Browse the Fall 2017 Issue of Performance Agronomy

The Fall 2017 issue of Performance Agronomy magazine is out now. You can browse the digital edition here or view each article below.

Look inside the Fall 2017 issue of Performance Agronomy magazine! If you’re interested in receiving Performance Agronomy magazine, see your AGCO equipment dealer in the United States and Canada.

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Need For Speed
Fast and accurate data transfer can help avoid yield-robbing delays.

Band Wagon
Banding nutrients at planting can increase wheat profitability.

Faster Data Equals Better Decisions
Collecting field data uniformly and transporting it wirelessly can help you make well-informed, timely decisions.

Highly Configurable
Sunflower introduces a narrow-transport version of its high-speed, single-disc air drill.

Putting Data To Work
These tech alliances take farmers into a new age of productivity.

2017 Crop Tour Update
The tour, in its second year, involves AGCO product specialists and AGCO dealers working with individual producers to evaluate multiple factors affecting crop yield and return on investment.