Farmstead Woodworking Project: Make A Fishing Storage Bench
Keep your fishing gear in check with this project you can make from one sheet of plywood.
By Chris Hill | Illustration by Ray E. Watkins Jr.
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Put up your fishing gear and gather it for the next time out with a lot less hassle. Just 33 inches wide and 181/4 inches deep, this 6-foot-tall fishing storage bench can hold up to seven fishing rods or poles, with each nestled in their own compartments.
The base, which serves as a bench when doffing and donning your fishing boots—as well as a terrific seat from which to recount tall tales of the day’s catch—offers storage cubbies for various items, including tackle boxes. And, if you choose, the entire project can rest on locking casters, allowing you to move it around as needed.
Designed to be made from one sheet of 3/4-inch x 4- x 8-foot plywood, this project costs less than $50. It’s easy and inexpensive enough to make one for yourself, as well as give a gift to friends and family.
One 3/4-inch x 4- x 8-foot sheet of plywood
4d nails
#7 x 1¼-inch wood screws
Wood glue
Locking casters (optional)
Metal corner braces (optional)
Width: 33 inches
Depth: 18¼ inches
Height: 72 inches