Browse the Winter 2018 Issue of BALE
Look inside the Winter 2018 issue of BALE magazine! If you’re interested in receiving BALE magazine, see your AGCO equipment dealer in the United States and Canada.
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Browse the articles here:
Going the Distance: Growing Alfalfa to Export
When customers pay to have alfalfa shipped more than 5,000 miles, they expect to receive maximum feed value.
A Cut Above: Hesston WR9870 Windrowers
Calvin Calaway of the Calaway company shares why his company uses the WR9870 Windrowers from Hesston by Massey Ferguson.
Alfalfa: Balancing Quality and Quantity
Because they grow most of their own forages, this Washington state dairy owner strives for a balance between tons and nutrition.
Time For Timothy
Foreign and domestic demand continues to grow for this highly valued hay.
Reduced Lignin Alfalfa
New varieties offer increased forage efficiency.
5 Tips to Maximize Alfalfa Leaf Retention
In alfalfa, some two-thirds of the crop’s nutritive value is in its soft, fragile leaves, making leaf retention through drydown, baling and beyond critical in delivering quality animal feed. So, what steps should you take to get the most from your crop while maximizing leaf retention?
A Windrower that Gets More Done in Less Time
The new WR9900 Series of windrowers offers operators additional power, comfort and all-around productivity.