Clean Grain, Happy Customers

This Canadian pedigreed seed grower says the Massey Ferguson rotary combines are the easiest to clean and produce the cleanest grain.

“This is the third Massey Ferguson rotary we’ve owned,” says Durand.

“This is the third Massey Ferguson rotary we’ve owned,” says Durand.

Imagine buying a brand new combine and taking a cutting torch to it the minute you take ownership. That’s basically what Marc Durand did to the Massey Ferguson® Model 9895 he purchased from Notre Dame Motors Ltd. this past summer. That’s because Marc needs to completely clean out the combine between every crop and every different variety to prevent cross contamination. All total, that means he has to clean the combine up to 12 times, sometimes more, during the harvest season.

“This is the third Massey Ferguson rotary we’ve owned,” says Durand, who also owns a Massey Ferguson 6280 tractor and 9435 swather. “We’ve had other brands, and we’ve worked with seed that has been harvested by other combines,” he adds, noting that he also does some custom grain cleaning. “As a result, I can just about tell you what brand of combine a farmer used when I see a lot of cracked kernels. In contrast, you’ll see where a farmer or manufacturer has over-compensated to the point the machine leaves hulls stuck on the kernels.”

“But the Massey Ferguson rotary combines are the easiest to clean and produce the cleanest grain,” Marc explains. “Still, we generally have to add two or three more trap doors so we can remove all the grain from some of the cross augers and otherwise inaccessible areas.”

Marc insists the simplicity of the Massey Ferguson rotor and cleaning system, along with features like the two-auger unloading system, which eliminates the need for a turret, not only helps eliminate grain cracking but also ensures cleaner grain in the bin.

“Before we traded for this one, we had a Massey Ferguson 8680,” he says. “That one basically did as much as the two previous rotaries put together. Now, we have even more capacity with the 9895.”

More About The Combines

Get more information on the 9895 and the rest of the 9005 Series Massey Ferguson combines. READ MORE >>

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