Ag in the Classroom: Virtually Visiting The Farm
This volunteer organization brings the farm to young visitors.
By Nancy Dorman-Hickson
When students learn about Judy Krall’s egg farm, they often don’t do so by setting foot on the Enniskillen Township, Canada, property. Instead, digital technology allows the youngsters to make a “virtual visit.”
Krall is with Lambton-Kent Agriculture in the Classroom, a volunteer organization that educates children about ag and food issues in a two-county area. The group began the virtual visits two years ago, reaching 500-plus students so far.
As well as helping inform the public about farming, the program is also designed to help families make better decisions at the supermarket. The digital approach also avoids biosecurity issues caused by having the public around livestock.
The program may also be catching on elsewhere: “It is beginning to roll out beyond our two counties,” says Krall. “It is definitely looking like this could be a future possibility.”